
The International Barka Network

Barka’s History and Mission

Barka e.V. was established in Berlin in 2019 as a non-profit organisation and is a subsidiary of the Barka Foundation for Mutual Help, founded in Poland in 1989 in response to increasing social challenges during the transition years. The founders aimed to create conditions that offered homeless and marginalised individuals opportunities for personal development, as well as social and professional integration. (Aktenzeichen VR 37545 B im Vereinsregister beim Amtsgericht Charlottenburg)

In 1989, the first Barka community was established in an old school building in the western Polish village of Chudobczyce. Twenty-five formerly homeless individuals lived there alongside the founders, building their own homes and creating their own workplaces.

Today, there are 20 Barka communities in Poland. These communities are self-sufficient and generate income through vegetable farming, animal husbandry, and services for the local community, such as park and forest cleaning, lawn mowing, and construction work. Residents live in a family-like environment and actively participate in renovating and operating the Barka community houses.

Barka’s Programmes and International Partnerships

Barka Poland also runs education and vocational training programmes aimed at establishing social enterprises and affordable housing. These efforts involve collaboration with local authorities, civil society organisations, and private businesses.

Based on these projects, Barka has contributed to the development of four national laws in Poland focused on the social and professional reintegration of disadvantaged groups.

Since the early 1990s, Barka Poland has worked with German institutions such as the Evangelical-Augsburg Church in Poznań and the Diakonie in Germany, as well as organisations like the Stiftung Wohnen und Beraten in Braunschweig. In collaboration with these partners, the Barka Foundation founded the Diakonija Employment Association as a non-profit organisation. The Dachstiftung Gifhorn is also a shareholder. The association cooperates with Volkswagen and currently employs 25 individuals from disadvantaged groups.

Quality Assurance Through EU-Wide Networking

BARKA Berlin e.V. is part of a robust European network, collaborating with partner organisations across Europe. As part of the Erasmus+ funded project “European Return & Migration Network”, BARKA works with seven organisations from Spain, Italy, Belgium, Ireland, Poland, and Germany to develop innovative support services for EU migrants.

Through this collaboration, BARKA integrates new approaches and best practices from across Europe into its work in Berlin, ensuring the highest quality of care and support for homeless EU citizens.

Contact and Further Information

We are always eager to connect with new potential partners and stakeholders to ensure the success of our efforts in Germany. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Julie Markussen – Operations Manager
Barka e.V. Glogauer Str. 21 10999 Berlin

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